
Raised so far

We work closely with the JLF and continue to support their efforts to raise awareness about bowel cancer within Australia.


Name Amount Message
TintaCar Gawler $150 Congratulations Max on participating in the trek and supporting such a worthwhile cause : )
Anonymous $120
Millie Shinkfield $40
Anonymous $50 Good on ya for supporting a good cause
Susan Khorami $10
Anonymous $20 Well done Phil - excellent effort!
Xin Deng $20
Michelle Harvey $40 Congratulations on a fantastic effort Phil and Emily!
Christine Helliar $100 Welll done Phil! The blisters are worth it!
Cherie & Brenton Grove $50 Great Effort Phil!!!!
Dinithi Dissanayake $40 Fantastic job Phil!! All the best :)
Michelle Hammond $50 Amazing effort!
Daryl Hammill $10 Well done guys :)
Sukhbir Sandhu $10 Great job Phil!
Lloyd Templeton $25 Well done both of you!
Dimity Dutch $50 So so so immensely proud of you!
Anonymous $10
Scott Copeland $22 Have a great walk champ. An excellent cause to support. :)
Meredith McAvaney $40 Look after your feet! Hope it goes well.
Sandy Barker $50 Great effort - but no injuries please!!
Sandy Barker $50 Good luck - keep your socks dry!!
Jo Spargo $120 Maybe this time.
Peter Rutter $50 Go you good thing ????
Anonymous $50
Greg and Anita Vincent $120 Great Job Em, make sure you help Phil to the end.
Anonymous $20
Fuller Brand Communication $38 Way to go Phil...! Way to go a LONG way actually. Love your work mate and for such an important cause. Thank you for what you are doing for raising coin and awareness. Cheers pk
Heather Prider $25 Get the bandaides ready!!! Seriously, really proud to have a friend that takes on challenges like this for a great cause.
Anonymous $100
Graham Vincent $120
Anonymous $100
Emma Hughes $10 Amazing Phil - good luck!
Anonymous $25
Lucy Johnson $120 Go out there and kill it!! xxx
Katherine Christ $25 Well done, Phil!!!!
Ron McIver $25 Enjoy the challenge!
UniSA $20 Good Luck, Phil
Anonymous $30 A good cause to go Phil. Well done! Wei Qian
Carol Tilt $10 Great work Phil!
Kylie Pedler $20
Jude Johnson $50 Enjoy your walk and the company.
Paul Johnson $120 Love your work Em (and Phil!) Pop would be so proud. Xoxox
Jude Johnson $50 Go for it!
Anna Finster $40 Good luck Phil and Em!
Louis George-Duif $50
Anonymous $50 Great stuff Phil! Enjoy the walk, the views and the excited welcome home from Angus and Bayly at the end :)
Geoffrey Pacecca $50 A great cause - best of luck Phil.
Linda McGregor $25 Best of luck Phil
Dr. Sunil Savur $40 Hope this helps a bit. All the best, Phil.
Phil Johnson $250
The University of South Australia $25 Hope it helps Phil, Elvia.
Phil Johnson $100 Let’s smash it love ❤️


Name Total
Phil Johnson $1,400
Emily Johnson $770
Alex KWP $320
Max Shinkfield $310
Peter Moreman $35